District News
Showing Entries for 2020
STEM Taking Us Places
Teacher Paxton Cesaroni is working hard to build a thriving STEM program at Madison Middle School through his 8th Grade STEM course offered this year for the first time. Currently he is encouraging tr...
What's Next?
Now is a time to reflect on our district’s mission statement and remember the aspirations our Madison Local Schools Board of Education has set for this district. We know this order to close school bui...
Pre-School Registration
Madison Elementary School is accepting online Pre-school applications at this time.
Saying Goodbye To Your Teachers
We will have a schedule in place for students to pick up items, say goodbye to teachers, and turn in homework the week of May 11.
School Closed For Remainder of School Year
Dear Parents and Guardians:
On April 20, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine made an announcement ordering all of Ohio’s public, community, and private K-12 school buildings to be closed to students fo...