District News
District News
Homecoming Week Information

Candidate Forum
The Madison Board of Education candidate forum will take place October 26th at 5:30 p.m. in the Madison High School auditorium.
Any questions please contact the Chamber of Commerce at 513-422-455...
Rise in COVID Cases
Dear Mohawk Families -
We have seen a steep rise in our COVID cases over the past couple of weeks. Because of this, we cannot stress enough the importance of keeping your student home if they are il...

TikTok Letter
A letter from surrounding districts regarding TikTok challenges.
"October 4, 2021
RE: October TikTok Challenge: Slap a Teacher
Dear Butler County Friends and Families:
The partnership between a...
Reminder: Parent Forum September 23
Parent Forum September 23
There will be a parent forum with the Board of Education and Superintendent on September 23 at 6 pm in the high school theater.
The topic for the forum will be the current state of COVID-19 numbers, ...

School Lunches Update
An important update from our cafeteria and food suppliers:
Food shortages are nationwide and our district is also experiencing unavailable items and last minute replacements. Menus are subject to cha...
Turf Field Project Update
The latest progress pictures as of September 15th of the new turf field. The pictures were provided by Superintendent Jeff Staggs.
**These updates can also be found on our school Facebook (Madison Lo...
September Monthly Mohawk
Mrs. Haupt is now creating a Mohawk news magazine to encompass what's happening in our district.
Check out September's issue below!
Safe Ohio Schools Tip Line
Attached is the link to the Safe Ohio Schools Tip Line. It can also be found at any time on the Resources page of this website.