A Special Prom Experience

One parent who was housing one of Madison Local School’s foreign exchange students went all-out during this time to support her daughters, one of whom is a senior, and made sure that their guest, Nawman, could experience what might be her only prom experience ever before returning to Thailand. The family notes that this Madison Class of 2020 has truly had a crazy ride... born in the midst of 9/11, experiencing a school shooting in their 8th grade year, and now having to rise above a pandemic.
While we hope that prom can be rescheduled at a future date, what about graduation for the Class of 2020? High School administrators and teachers are working together to ensure that students in the Class of 2020 are on track to graduate. The district is waiting to receive more guidance from the Ohio Department of Education. Know that we will work together to provide assistance and flexibility in the interest of doing what is right for our students.