"Achieving Excellence" Is Our Top Priority

Our entire school staff is available to answer your questions and address your concerns. While administrators are actively planning and responding to this national health crisis, teachers are creating lesson plans and engaging with their students remotely. Teachers and building principals will be sharing via email their remote learning plans and expectations on an ongoing basis. During scheduled school days, our teachers will be available via email from 9-noon to support our students and their families. Administrators and support staff are also available to respond to emails between 9-noon on weekdays.
Food operations are ongoing despite the stay-at-home orders and will continue uninterrupted throughout the remainder of the school closure. Staff will continue to comply with the most current health guidelines. Questions about our district’s meal distribution program can be directed to Superintendent Dr. Lisa Tuttle-Huff at lisa.tuttle-huff@madisonmohawks.org.
Services to students with disabilities remain a high priority and our school district is making a good faith effort to provide the right services to address the needs of every student. If a student with a disability cannot access the alternate delivery models being offered to general education students, then the district will consult with parents and/or caregivers directly to determine the needs of the student and identify the most appropriate means for meeting those needs during the closure period.
Check out the articles included in our e-newsletter to learn more about how Madison Local School District is addressing concerns about mental health support, needs of students with disabilities, and what this all this means for graduation plans and state testing.
Consider our new e-newsletter an invitation to become more involved in the business of striving for excellence as it pertains to our school district and our community as a whole. We value community input and encourage an open line of communication with our students, families, staff, and community members.