Aspiration Statements guide students to success post-graduation

Here at Madison Local Schools, we all have the same goal: to ensure the success of our students, during their time here and after graduation. The possibilities our students face after graduation are endless; with the advancement of technology, students now have the opportunity to thrive in many different environments, whether it be graduating and going on to a four-year college, enrolling in community college, attending a trade school, taking specialized classes online, or going straight into the workforce. Students have myriad opportunities to explore and experiment with different careers.
Because of how quickly our world has – and continues – to change, it’s more important than ever to provide our students with the skills they need to flex and adapt as they move through their careers. This includes more than doing well on standardized tests and achieving good grades; it just as importantly encompasses leadership qualities, work ethic, learning to think outside of the box, meeting expectations, and more.
In order to help our students develop all the various skills they will need, Madison Local Schools created Aspiration Statements to ensure we, as a school district, are able to help our students develop these skills. These Aspirations work hand-in-hand with our Vision and Values, serving as our long-term guiding statements. They focus our work and help us ensure our efforts are on the right path. They have been created with the requirements and realities of today’s world in mind, and they have been shaped by feedback from Madison Local Schools students and graduates.
Our Aspiration Statements are that Madison Local Schools will:
Develop students and graduates who will build a better society.
Deliver educational experiences focused on student success and driven by high expectations, uncompromising pursuit of excellence, and front-line autonomy.
Be a great employer for great educators and staff who are passionate about student success.
Aggressively pursue a safe environment for all students and adults.
Maximize the student success achieved with the financial resources available.
By ensuring that our programs, services, and efforts are focused on these Aspiration Statements, we can be confident we are preparing our students for success, not only in school, but after -- no matter what path they choose.