Celebrating The Madison High School Class of 2020

It is time to celebrate another year of Developing students and, in turn, graduates who will build a better society! While the 2020 graduation class of Madison High School may encounter unique challenges in the face of a society forever changed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are confident that we have provided our students with the necessary tools to successfully work toward building a better society for all of us. We especially look forward to the opportunity to celebrate our graduates as a community.
Fortunately, we made career readiness and life after high school a main focus at Madison well before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived on the scene. Providing more student-centered vs. course-based scheduling has allowed us to focus on teaching students instead of courses. Offering College Credit Plus options within the building has allowed more students to earn college credits while still in high school. The development of high-quality counseling services specifically for high school has been instrumental in ensuring our seniors are ready to graduate in spite of recent changes. Administration and counselors have worked with each student throughout the year to develop individualized Student Success Plans for each student that they can follow after graduation.
And while this year’s graduates may not have the “traditional” graduation students look forward to, Madison staff has worked hard to create a unique, memorable graduation that students will remember for the rest of their lives. Madison High School will proudly hold its 2020 Graduation Ceremony on Friday, May 22, beginning at 6 pm at Land of Illusion.
We are grateful to Land of Illusion for working with us to provide a graduation ceremony our seniors deserve while adhering to guidelines recommended by Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Department of Education. Students and families will remain in their car during the event, and attendance must be limited to two cars per student. More details about the graduation ceremony will be released next week.
To find answers to frequently asked questions about graduation requirements during the COVID-19 health crisis click here to see the page that the Ohio Department of Education has created dedicated to graduation concerns.