Congratulations Madison Local Schools and Class of 2020 On Your Success!
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Congratulations Madison Local Schools and Class of 2020 On Your Success!
May 22, 2020

On March 12, 2020 Governor DeWine announced that all Ohio school buildings would close for a period of several weeks due to the COVID-19 health crisis. Ultimately, all in-person school district activities, including in-school instruction, sports, arts programming, and other enrichment opportunities would be cancelled for the remainder of the school year. Madison Local Schools and the entire Butler Community chose to rise above adversity and have continued to achieve excellence without pause.
Together we have addressed student needs regarding education, emotional well-being, and physical health, while continuing to celebrate the arts. Today we celebrate the Graduating Class of 2020, but we also celebrate the success we have all achieved together as teachers, students, families and friends. Please join us as we look back over the past ten weeks with pride and appreciation. Check back next week for graduation highlights!