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If You Have A Student With A Disability...

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If You Have A Student With A Disability...

Mar 25, 2020

Students with Disabilities:

Madison understands how essential it is to continue individualized learning for our students with disabilities, and we will continue to look at options as to how to best deliver these supports. Our case managers (Intervention Specialists) have reached out and will continue to reach out to individual families as they design the instruction for each student and provide support for our students.


We will be setting up specific office hours weekly so that families know when the best time is to connect with special education staff for support.


Related services staff is collaborating on how to best support students and their needs for physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech/language therapy, orientation and mobility services, deaf and hard of hearing services, visually impaired services and any other services.




IEP, ETR and 504 Meetings:

We are still required to hold IEP, ETR and 504 meetings and below are the formats for meetings depending on the family's online access and level of comfort with technology.  


Case managers (IEP), school psychologists/case managers (ETR) and Guidance Counselors (504 Plans) will reach out to you with more information about how the meeting will be conducted after working with you on the best method for meeting.


phone conferences 

Google Chat 



We are able to have families sign electronically with a parent/guardian email address if that is possible or can have physical signatures completed when school re-opens

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