Madison Local Schools: Top 10% of Fastest Improving Schools In Ohio
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Madison Local Schools: Top 10% of Fastest Improving Schools In Ohio
Mar 19, 2020

- Overall, the district falls in the top 10% of the fastest improving academically schools in Ohio in terms of the state report card.
- Madison Elementary was the recipient of the Momentum Award presented by the State Board of Education. This award recognizes schools for exceeding expectations in student growth for the year, meaning schools must earn straight As on all Value-Added measures on the report card.
- The integration of the online reading program Mindplay into our curriculum has inspired tremendous growth among our second and third graders. This virtual reading program aligns with the standard curriculum for reading and language arts and permits students with unique challenges to learn to read on their terms. By March 1, on average, second- and third-grade students had already achieved a years’ worth of growth in reading skills.
- The “middle school” years (grades 6-7-8) are an especially vulnerable time for children. The dramatic physical, mental, and emotional changes that take place in early adolescence require a different approach than used in elementary school education, but these students are not yet ready for the structure of high school. Because of this, Madison Schools restructured last year to serve grades in bands of Pre-K-5, 6-8, and 9-12, creating resources specifically for these middle grades and bringing their social-emotional and academic needs into greater focus. Look for more information coming soon about our Innovation Girls and Innovation Boys pilots going on now with our 5-8 graders.
- Our high school students are high achievers, with two-thirds maintaining a 3.0 grade point average or above – and 42% achieving a 3.5+!