Meet Madison’s Board Members: Amy Jessee

Here at Madison Schools, we are incredibly grateful to have a Board of Education that is devoted to the success and future of our students. We have all gone through a school system in one way or another, and we recognize how difficult it can be to feel connected to the members of the BOE. For this reason, we decided to conduct a series of interviews with our BOE members to share more about them with the community. Please enjoy learning about these dedicated people who lead our district.
This week, we are featuring BOE member Amy Jessee, a second generation Mohawk, who graduated in 1998. Mrs. Jessee has four children who are currently Madison students: a sophomore, seventh grader, third grader, and second grader.
“I began attending board meetings a few years ago in support of a friend,” Mrs. Jessee states. “I became intrigued by the process of how things happen here in our district, and decided that if I wanted to have an opinion on the matters that were discussed, I needed to step up and put myself in a position to do so.”
Mrs. Jessee is passionate about the opportunity to bridge the gaps between the school district and the Madison community. “As a student here many years ago, I never felt like there were ‘sides.’ It felt like one family serving one purpose. I want us all to be on the same page and share in supporting the best interests of our students and our families,” she describes.
Mrs. Jessee is currently prioritizing improving communication in both directions. “It’s not about the quantity,” she explains, “but the quality of the communication.” It is easy to feel bombarded with too much information -- but how much of it is relevant, and how much of it is just cluttering your inbox? “It’s a delicate balance, but if we want to be trusted and we want our decisions supported, we have to find it. We also need to find ways for community members to be able to communicate with the board about concerns and maintain trust in those communications.”
Mrs. Jessee is very proud to serve on Madison’s BOE, ensuring that the children the district serves are afforded the greatest opportunities possible.