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Rise in COVID Cases

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Rise in COVID Cases

Oct 4, 2021

Dear Mohawk Families -

We have seen a steep rise in our COVID cases over the past couple of weeks.  Because of this, we cannot stress enough the importance of keeping your student home if they are ill.  While I know this can be frustrating, we are working with staff to ensure your student does not fall behind in their learning.  Staying home is the best way to keep the spread of the disease to a minimum.  While we aren’t requiring your child to wear their mask at school, it too can help reduce the spread.


If students continue to come to school while they are showing symptoms or are ill, and our numbers continue to climb, we will have to close school and switch to online learning.

We are working hard to continue to teach our students in-person, but we need to keep the safety of all our students our priority.  Please help us by doing your part and keeping your child home if they are ill.

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