Staggered Start Schedule

To our Madison Families and Staff,
This week our Board of Education met with community members, teachers and administrators regarding reopening plans. Our plan was created with input from our public health district, feedback from our recent parent/guardian surveys, teachers, support staff, administrators, and other local school districts. The plan was based on the information we knew at the time, however changes will need to be made so that we will better be able to prepare the buildings and teachers for reopening.
Originally, Madison LSD had planned for a Staggered Start Schedule for one week only; however, to ensure a smooth transition using appropriate health regulations, we have decided to continue the transition for three weeks.
Madison Local Schools will now have a three week transitional plan. The start date for students in Grades 6-12 is still August 17 and August 19 for PK-5. This affects students who are returning to school in-person as well as those who will participate in the Remote Learning Option. Here are the details:
Monday, August 17 Students with Last Name starting A-M will attend school
Tuesday, August 18 Students with Last Name starting with N-Z will attend school
ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL – follow this schedule beginning August 19th:
Wednesday, August 19 : Students with Last Name starting A-M will attend school.
Thursday August 20- Students with Last Name starting N-Z will attend school.
Friday, August 21: No School for Students. Our staff will use this day to assess the first four days of school and make any necessary changes.
Monday, August 24 and Wednesday, August 26 : Students with Last Name starting A-M will attend school.
Tuesday, August 25 and Thursday August 27- Students with Last Name starting N-Z will attend school.
Friday, August 28: No School for Students. Our staff will use this day to assess the second week of school and make any necessary changes.
Monday, August 31 and Wednesday, September 2 Students with Last Name starting
A-M will attend school.
Tuesday, September 1 and Thursday September 3 - Students with Last Name starting
N-Z will attend school.
Friday, September 4: No School for Students. Our staff will use this day to assess the first threes of school and make any necessary changes.
Monday, September 7: No School for students or staff (Labor Day).
Tuesday, September 8: All students return to school.
A Staggered Start Schedule does not mean students will not be engaged in learning while they are not in school. Teachers will be assigning schoolwork that will continue with what is being covered in class.
More details involving the staggered schedule will be communicated by elementary teachers at Smart Start August 13-18. If there is an in-balance in numbers in classrooms and a student will need to change days, you will be notified.
Smart Start dates for MS/HS will still be August 13 and 14. Juniors and Seniors will not be receiving Chromebooks on Smart Start due to a delay in shipment.
We strongly believe flexibility, patience, and understanding will be key elements to the successful reopening of our school district. Thank you to our Board of Education for their support and endorsement of our Fall 2020 Reopening Plan. Likewise, we truly appreciate our parents commitment to our district and the students, teachers, and staff that will bring them to back into the building safely. We will stay on top of current events regarding COVID-19 throughout the upcoming weeks and will keep you informed of any important changes along the way.
Dr. Lisa Tuttle-Huff
Superintendent of Madison Local Schools