Summer Extended Learning Plan

Madison students lost a few months of learning opportunities due to the spring closure of schools and our attempt at remote programming. Because our school has been open since August, our students have been able to learn in the classroom with their teachers. However, we recognize that students will have learning loss from last spring’s shut down. Therefore, we have put together this comprehensive plan to address that learning loss.
Madison Local Schools will be offering Summer Sprint Courses to all Madison Local School students for FREE. Students can take a course for credit recovery or as a way to target specific gaps in instruction. Courses will be offered in 3-week sessions at 4 days a week, Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 - 12:00. No Fridays. Breakfast, lunch, and transportation will be provided to all students.
Lessons will be designed to be engaging and interactive including projects and multiple field trips as well as involve local area partnerships. Lessons will be delivered inside the school, field house, outside grounds, and off campus.
The focus of the lessons will not be on a grade, but on completing daily activities to address instructional gaps. Technology will be available for use when requested. Student Teacher ratios will be 1:10 or 1:15 depending on the course. During field trips a 1:10 ratio will be the goal.
Pre-packaged breakfast and lunch items will be served to all students. All students will eat either in the cafeteria or outside. Students will be responsible for cleaning their areas, and the summer coordinator will be responsible for making sure everything is properly cleaned. Students will be provided with fun food days like Dominos Day!
Free transportation will be coordinated with our transportation director for students living in the district. Transportation includes pickup and drop off routes, as well as field trips.
All students will be invited to participate. A targeted focus will be placed on students who are credit deficient, students who have had poor attendance over the 2020-2021 school year, students with disabilities, students who show significant gaps in learning, and students who are academically behind according to state and local assessments.
The identification of students who need targeted instruction will be determined by assessment data and instructor recommendations. Each of the following data sets will help to determine student involvement in extended programming.
Madison will do gap analysis for each student to determine instructional needs. Data analyzed will include:
- Attendance
- Students already identified as SWD
- Semester I, quarter 3, and Semester II grades
- Edify assessments
- MAP data
- Previous OST/EOC Data
- AIR/IXL Assessments
- MobyMax Assessments
- ACT data
- Lexia k-5 reading Diagnostics
- Gap Analysis for ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies
- Madison will use teacher input and discipline data to determine impacted/vulnerable populations, and we will combat barriers for disengaged students through individualized instruction and mentoring practices.
Any high school or middle school student will have access to key opportunities (e.g., advanced mathematics, physics, higher education, interventions, etc.) Elementary students will have engaging learning experiences provided by Madison teachers.
Supports will be available to help students in the summer. The Madison Local Schools District MTSS Process and Universal Screeners will be in place with our team of teachers. Supports for IEPs/Compensatory Services, Written Education Plan (WEP) adjustments, etc.will be provided by teachers who will be available for special needs support.
Madison will prioritize Literacy and Math in the elementary and standards based curriculum at all grade levels.
Our summer partners we plan to include:
- MidPointe Library System
- Butler County Historical Society
- Caesar’s Creek State Park
- Five Rivers MetroParks
- Hueston Woods State Park
- Cincinnati Museum Center
- Butler County MetroParks
- Butler County Soil and Water
- Ohio State University Extension Office
- Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park
- Miami University
- Madison Township Fire Department/EMS
- Madison’s National Honor Society
- CIncinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
- National Museum of the United States Air Force
- Fort Ancient Earthworks and Nature Preserve
- Cincinnati Art Museum
- CIncinnati Nature Center
- Butler County Sheriff’s Office