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Superintendent's Message

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Superintendent's Message

Aug 20, 2019




I would like to update the community concerning what happened during the 2018-2019 school year!  We have many excellent things happening at Madison! 2019-2020 is continuing with great things happening!


Strategic planning has been a priority.

  • Our administrators and board members worked collaboratively to develop the current mission and vision of Madison, while involving all stakeholders in the process of development.


2018-19 grants written by administration to offset costs and fix items on vulnerability assessment and school needs. 

  • Middletown Community Foundation
    • $5000 for Homework Club
    • $15000 Social Worker
  • Hamilton Community Foundation
    • $7000 Social Worker
  • Suicide Prevention Grant
    • $6000 Social Worker
  • School Climate Grant
    • $5000 - PBIS Training at K-2 level
  • HSTW Grant
    • $6000 for HSTW PD
  • School Safety Training Grant
    • $8220 for Alice Training; PD;
  • BWC Safety Grant
    • $23,000 Electric doors, bollards, film for cafeteria windows
  • MidPoint Library Grant
    • Hotspots for Homework Club
  • Jason Project Grant
    • $5000 Curriculum and PD for Stem courses

                      Middletown Community Foundation 

                                                            $10,000 for Maker's Space STEM                 


                      Middletown Community Foundation 

                                                             $10,000 COVID response money to         

                                                             change IMACs to Chromebooks


Policy Updates and Handbooks

  • Administration and board members have gone through every board policy and corrected those needing corrections due to new legislation or district need.
  • Administration has developed Classified Employee Handbook and a PR Plan Handbook


Reorganization of personnel and buildings.

  • Board and administration saved money by eliminating two administrative positions.
  • The buildings have been reorganized to have three buildings to put a larger focus on the middle level student in their own team focused problem-based school.
  • We have made career readiness and life after high school a focus. We believe students need certain skill sets to be successful, and we are focusing on those needs.
  • We have reorganized secretaries to better fit our needs in three buildings.
  • We have made facilities and staying compliant with Fire Codes a priority.
  • We are currently updating all facilities to have energy saving LED lights. All outside fixtures are now LED lights.


Curriculum has become a priority:

Student engagement and success is important therefore, we have reviewed all course of studies for all courses.  More students are earning college credits within the school due to CCP being in the school and not just off campus.  We are moving towards student-centered vs. course-based scheduling. This allows us to teach kids instead of courses.  


Development of high-quality counseling services for high school:

  • Administration worked with counselors to develop Student Success Plans for each student to develop a plan for after graduation.
  • Administration has worked to improve amount of services provided by Life Span. By teaming with Life Span, we are able to provide a mental health counselor/social worker for our students.  Students social/emotional needs are increasing, and this will be an area to expand in the future.  
  • Administration has continued to develop partnerships with businesses through Economic Development Initiatives.


Technology Upgrades have been a priority:

  • Administration has worked with Forward Edge to perform Technology Audit of all technology and its age.  We are beginning to upgrade outdated Smart Boards with Interactive Screens. We have added new digital IP security cameras to the parking lot. One to One Technology has been rolled out for grades 3-9.   Handbooks and guidelines were developed for the Chromebook roll out! Administration has purchased and installed the software Papercut to manage copying and printing to copiers to save money. Administration worked to Implement Final Forms this fall.
  • HVAC software was updated last summer through the OSFC fund for school facilities improvement.



New Initiatives at Madison

  • Innovation Girls for girls.- This is a partnership to provide opportunities for young girls 1st-8th grade learn 21st century skills.
  • Ascend Math for intervention for students who aren’t performing well in math.
  • MindPlay Reading Improvement program for students who aren’t on grade level.
  • Community Clean Up Day for all student athletes to take pride in their school campus through volunteer work at the school.
  • Homecoming Festival to bring community together.
  • Madison Leadership Team Weekly Meetings for communication purposes.
  • Start with Hello Week- for bullying prevention
  • Bully Consortium meeting for the community.
  • Securely software was added and gives administration information about words that may suggest issues while students are using the internet. and Bullying Hotline was added
  • Developed Bullying Form to be used anonymously by any person in the school system.


Striving to improve processes at Madison

  • Administration has: developed new evaluation tools for all classified employees;
  •  aligned job descriptions to evaluation tools; reviewed facility contracts and saved money with certain contractors; developed Hiring Process Guidelines; hired Facility Director part-time to streamline the efficiency of that department; developed/implemented Capital Expense Protocol paperwork for all department; aligned all goals to strategic plan; CCIP; and building initiatives; implemented Athletic Evaluations of all coaches; has Included stakeholders in survey opportunities


Upcoming Projects

  • One to One Technology initiative 3-12 grades
  • More grants will be written to continue to off-set money needed to get extra services for our teachers and students.



Dr. Lisa Tuttle-Huff 

Superintendent, Madison Local School District

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