Teach or Treat 2020

It’s finally Spooky Season! The elementary teachers and staff are looking forward to celebrating Halloween this month -- but don’t worry, we will be following all recommended social distancing guidelines and safety rules. The only thing spooky about our celebration will be our costumes!
Our yearly candy donation contest is October 5-9. Students are asked to bring in a bag of store-bought, individually-wrapped candy (to ensure we are following safety guidelines). Each bag will count as a point toward their class total, and the class with the most bags donated will be awarded a pizza party with Mr. Jackson! All donations will be used to support our annual Teach or Treat Event.
This year, Teach or Treat will be in our school parking lot on October 20, from 5:30-7:30. Teachers and staff will be set up to pass out candy from the trunks of their cars. This will look different than usual this year, but we tried to make it up to everyone by having some really great food trucks join the fun! We encourage all students to dress up and join in the celebration. Families will have the opportunity to go trick or treating while enjoying a variety of food options for dinner, including Hamburger Wagon, Wholly Beans, and Chick-fil-A.
Madison Elementary would like to thank Chick-fil-A for providing dinner to our staff that evening so that teachers have the opportunity to enjoy the fun. We want to recognize our teachers for all their hard work and dedication so far this year!