TikTok Letter

A letter from surrounding districts regarding TikTok challenges.
"October 4, 2021
RE: October TikTok Challenge: Slap a Teacher
Dear Butler County Friends and Families:
The partnership between a school district and its families is key to ensuring that students are making choices that are in their best interest. That’s why the Butler County Superintendents are joining together in this message. A series of monthly pranks or “challenges” is spreading on the social media platform TikTok. These include a list of actions users are being encouraged to participate in that may be dangerous, inappropriate, or illegal.
The challenge for October asks students to “Slap a Teacher.” Last month, TikTok users were challenged to destroy restrooms and other school property. While the October “challenge” has not happened in any Butler County schools, we want our students and families to know this behavior will not be tolerated. We ask that you monitor your student(s) social media accounts, talk to them about responsible and respectful cell phone use, and discuss the serious ramifications of participating in these “challenges” such as school disciplinary consequences as well as possible intervention by law enforcement.
That being said, we know that the vast majority of our students do the right thing every day, are proud of their school, and grateful for their teachers and custodial staff. We thank them for showing school pride and valuing their school culture. The safety of all students and staff is always our first priority. Should you have any questions, please reach out to your student(s) principal or your superintendent. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Butler County Superintendents"