What's Next?

Now is a time to reflect on our district’s mission statement and remember the aspirations our Madison Local Schools Board of Education has set for this district. We know this order to close school buildings for the rest of the school year presents challenges to both our families and our staff, but our directives, our goals, our aspirations remain the same. Our district will continue to work diligently to partner with you in furthering your child’s education and well-being as we work together assessing where we want to be as a district and how we are going to get there.
The following declarations embody the aspirations that we intend to use as a guide for all work throughout our district as we navigate through unchartered territory together and get to the place we want to be.
Madison Local Schools will
- Develop students and, in turn, graduates who will build a better society.
- Deliver educational experiences focused on student success and driven by high expectations, uncompromising pursuit of excellence, and front-line autonomy.
- Be a great employer for great educators and staff who are passionate about student success.
- Effectively invest enough resources to sustain exceptional student success.
How do we get there?
The district will achieve its aspirations by being focused on student success and process quality. The district’s mission will define the work. The district's values will guide decisions and actions. Key processes will define the details and will guide continuous improvement and innovation. Long term continuous strategic and action planning will assure opportunities for improvement will be capitalized upon.
Our Mission
Madison Local Schools will equip and inspire students to pursue their individual purpose in life.