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MLSD is on a Two-Hour Delay on Wednesday, January 22nd


Thespian Troupe #4592


Directors: Joel Brown, Andrea Parsons, Morgan Cornett, Kara Miller

Thespian Advisor: Teresa Crim

Theater Manager: Joel Brown


The Madison Thespian Troupe #4592 is a student organization that honors student achievement in theater. In order to be a member, students must earn 10 Thespian Points by participating in one or more plays at Madison. Students can earn points for acting, technical crew, costumes, set building, and more. An induction ceremony is held each year in the Spring to honor new members. 

Before earning enough points to be inducted into the Thespian Troupe, students in grades 9-12 are welcome to attend meetings as members of the drama club. Drama club members cannot vote, but may participate in most other Thespian Troupe activities. 

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