This information is based upon Ohio Revised Code 3324.01-07 (law) and Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15 (rule). Children are identified as gifted in Ohio in four major categories: Superior Cognitive Ability, Specific Academic Ability (reading, math, science, and/or social studies), Creative Thinking Ability, and Visual/Performing Arts Ability.
The following summarizes the eligibility criteria for each of the four areas. All tests and checklists used must be from the approved list prepared by the Ohio Department of Education.
Students can be identified through whole-grade screeners or individual gifted referral testing. Students may be referred by teachers, parents, or themselves.
Students who are identified during the school year will begin their gifted services the following year.
District Whole-Grade Gifted Screeners
Superior Cognitive Ability- CogAT Test
(2nd & 5th grade)
Specific Academic Ability- MAP Test
(2nd-6th grade)
Creative Thinking Ability- Torrence (upon scoring >90th percentile on CogAT)
Visual/Performing Arts- ODE Rubrics
(on request)
What It Means
This student demonstrates high IQ, or critical thinking ability. This student should be challenged across all subjects.
How We Know
A student will score two standard deviations above the mean minus the standard error of measurement on an intelligence test, perform at or above the 95th percentile on a basic or composite battery of a nationally normed achievement test, or attain an approved score on an above grade-level standardized, nationally normed test
What It Means
This student demonstrates high ability in a specific subject area. A student may only have one area of identification in Specific Academic Ability or many.
How We Know
A student will perform at or above the 95th percentile at the national level on a standardized achievement test of specific academic ability (reading, math, science, and/or social studies); a child may be identified as gifted in more than one specific academic ability field.
What It Means
The student shows exceptional creative thinking ability and creative behaviors that should be fostered and challenged.
How We Know
A student will score one standard deviation above the mean minus the standard error of measurement on an intelligence test and attain a sufficient score, as established by the Ohio Department of Education, on a test of creative ability or a checklist of creative behavior.
What It Means
The student shows exceptional ability in a Visual Arts or Performing Arts area. This could include art, music, dance, etc.
How We Know
A student will demonstrate to a trained individual through a display of work, an audition, or other performance or exhibition, superior ability in a visual or performing arts area and attain a sufficient score, as established by the Ohio Department of Education, on a checklist of behaviors related to a specific arts area