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High School News

High School News

SEL wheel

MHS commits to SEL

DEC 3, 2020

Madison High School has been integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) into our building in a variety of different ways. By implementing new social emotional services, we have found we can bette...

Student and Parent Remote Learning Acknowledgement 


  • Please follow your teacher’s requirements for attendance or check-in (attend meetings, journal/check-in, etc.) 
    • Student attendance w...

High School Boys Basketball tryouts are postponed until Thursday, Nov. 5 and Friday, Nov. 6 from 3-5 PM in the high school gymnasium.

October 13, 2020


Dear Madison Local Schools parents, staff, and community members:


Today, we received notification that a Madison student and a teacher’s aide have tested positive for COVID-19...

Madison Mohawks Values logo

Like our Mission, we have also updated our Values based on feedback from our input sessions. It is important for a school district to reflect not only on what our students need for success in the worl...

Madison Mohawks Mission logo

The Madison Local School District's Mission is to equip and inspire students to pursue their individual purpose in life. 


The world is changing at a rapid pace. As the world around us evolves, so,...

Madison Local School District Board of Education will meet in special session on Monday, September 21 at 6PM to act on business related to personnel and for executive session for personnel items.  The...

On Friday, September 4, the Director of the Ohio Department of Health issued new orders to K-12 schools. This order contains information for parents, guardians of students, and school staff members re...

Labor Day logo

Staggered Start ends after Labor Day. All schools will begin operating on a regular schedule beginning Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Have a great holiday!

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