High School News
High School News
Homecoming Week Activities
Click on this link to preview the activities for homecoming
Campaigning On School Grounds
During the campaign season, we would like to remind the community that campaigning for any office on school grounds is prohibited.
Board Policy number 9000.01, adopted on August 16, 2017, provides guid...
Madison Coach Larry Brandenburg
Larry L. Brandenburg, 82, of Centerville, Ohio passed away on Aug 14, 2019 at Hospice of Dayton where he was showered with love by family, friends, and forme...
Homecoming Planning Meeting
September 3 at 5 PM Board of Education Office 1324 Middletown Eaton Road Middletown, OH . 45042
Middle School Information!
Reminder to Middle School parents and students: The middle school office is through door 4! A student can not sign in at the high school office. The middle school phone number is 420-4916.
Special Board Meeting Aug 21, 2019
Special Board meeting to be held Saturday August 24th at 6:00am for purposes of acting on Personnel Matters and other business as needed.
Superintendent's Message
I would like to update the community concerning what happened during the 2018-2019 school year! We have many excellent things happening at Madison! 2019-2020 is continuing with grea...

With the combined efforts of the Madison Education Association leadership, Superintendent Dr Tuttle Huff and Treasurer Rich Natiello, a multi year labor agreement has been reached with our teachers.