High School News
High School News
Brian Cook Classic Cancelled
Madison Local Schools is aware that unsubstantiated threats for Friday, December 17th are circulating via TikTok regarding school mass violence. This specific TikTok challenge/dare slated for tomorrow...
The link below is to the District Treasurer's presentation at the last financial outlook forum.
The next forum is this Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium.

Madison Local School District is hosting a Community Forum on Thursday, December 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Theater to discuss school finances and the possibility of a future levy. The Madiso...

Veteran's Day Assembly
Madison Local School District is hosting a Veteran's Day assembly on November 11th at 1:30 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.
Below is the schedule of the day:
1:00 p.m. -- All veterans arrive ...
Updated Quarantine Guidelines from ODH
Updated quarantine guidelines per the Ohio Department of Health:
"Mask to Stay/Test to Play Option
Quarantining students at home who have been exposed to COVID-19 in a school environment has the uni...
Homecoming Week Information
Rise in COVID Cases
Dear Mohawk Families -
We have seen a steep rise in our COVID cases over the past couple of weeks. Because of this, we cannot stress enough the importance of keeping your student home if they are il...

TikTok Letter
A letter from surrounding districts regarding TikTok challenges.
"October 4, 2021
RE: October TikTok Challenge: Slap a Teacher
Dear Butler County Friends and Families:
The partnership between a...