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High School News

Showing Entries for 2020

Madison Mohawks Mission logo

The Madison Local School District's Mission is to equip and inspire students to pursue their individual purpose in life. 


The world is changing at a rapid pace. As the world around us evolves, so,...

Madison Local School District Board of Education will meet in special session on Monday, September 21 at 6PM to act on business related to personnel and for executive session for personnel items.  The...

On Friday, September 4, the Director of the Ohio Department of Health issued new orders to K-12 schools. This order contains information for parents, guardians of students, and school staff members re...

Labor Day logo

Staggered Start ends after Labor Day. All schools will begin operating on a regular schedule beginning Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Have a great holiday!

Positive Student Case

AUG 20, 2020

August 20


Dear Madison Local Schools parents, staff, and community members:


Today, we received notification that a Madison student has tested positive for COVID-19.  While we must protect the ...

Unfortunately this year athletic events will look a little different. There will be no reserved parking or seating or pass lists for athletic events for the 20-21 school year. Everyone will pay genera...

Negative COVID Test

AUG 14, 2020
Dear Madison Community -
I want to provide an update to the community regarding a positive COVID result at Madison.  The affected staff member has quarantined and sought re-testing.  The sta...
group of water bottles

Please send a water bottle with your child!  There are no working water fountains, but we do have bottle fillers available!  

Reminder to wear a mask!  See you next week!

COVID- 19 Case

AUG 12, 2020
Dear Parent of a Madison Student:
To keep everyone apprised of how we are handling any reported cases of COVID, we are sharing this information. A teacher was exposed outside of school and subsequ...
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