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MLSD is on a Two-Hour Delay on Wednesday, January 22nd

Report an Absence

Kerri Kelly
Attendance Secretary
Ohio State law states that parents must see that their children are in attendance every day that school is in session. Children may be excused from school for the following reasons:

The state acknowledges the following as legal excused absences:
• Personal illness (A doctor’s note is required when the student is absent 4 or more consecutive days.)
• Quarantine for a communicable disease
• Religious holiday (Documentation may be required)
• Death of a relative (This is usually limited to 3 days)
• Emergency circumstances (Must be approved by administration)
When students are absence from school, a parent/guardian must the call Angie Day in the MES school office (420-4920) the morning of the absence. If a parent/guardian cannot call in, our office is required by Ohio law to attempt to contact the home of the absentee by telephone or mail. Even though an absence has been called in, it is required that a note signed by a parent/guardian be sent in upon the child’s return to school. This note must explain the reason for the absence and the date(s) of absence.
Absences will be excused if they meet the requirements listed above. However, each student will only be allowed to accumulate 10 excused absences (parent/guardian notes), per year. After a student has accumulated 10 excused absences, he/she will be required to provide a note from their doctor for any subsequent absences. Special cases are subject to the administration’s judgment. If a student is out of school on an extended absence (10 or more consecutive school days), the school must receive a written notification from a certified physician within 10 school days from the start of the extended absence. The school administrators can authorize excused absences in cases of special circumstances. If unauthorized absences continue, the case will be referred to the districts attendance officer for further disposition (see Truancy).
Upon return from an excused absence, the student is responsible for obtaining any required makeup work. A student is given the total number of days plus one to make up any missing work. If you would like to pick up work for your child during their absence, please notify the office 24 hours in advance to allow the teachers to prepare the work for your student.
Madison Elementary encourages family activities/vacations to be taken during the holidays. It is very hard for a student to make up work that they have missed because many of the classroom activities are interactive and hands on. However, we understand that legitimate exceptions can take place. In such cases, we require that a note be sent in to school prior to the absence. Whenever possible, the scheduled work will be given to the student that has given adequate prior notification.
The Ohio Revised Code provides for public school boards of education to establish policies to encourage regular attendance of students. With the increased emphasis on state-mandated proficiency testing, it is even more important than ever to stress the importance of good attendance. Every student has the right to an education, but every student has an obligation to attend regularly and to abide by the rules and regulations of the school system and the State of Ohio.
The Butler County Juvenile Court and Ohio Senate Bill 181 has established guidelines in which a student will be cited to court for truancy.
Habitual Truant:
5 consecutive unexcused absences
7 unexcused absences within a 4 week period
12 unexcused absences within a school year

Chronic Truant:
7 consecutive unexcused absences
10 unexcused absences within a 4 week period
15 unexcused absences with a school year
An unexcused absence occurs when a student fails to attend school without the consent/knowledge of their parents or the reason for the absence does not meet the state or building guidelines.
Under Senate Bill 181 parents may be fined up to $500 if a child is found to be habitually truant.
Unexcused Late Arrival
• Students, who arrive to school late, without a properly documented excuse, will face the following disciplinary actions:
• 3rd tardy- warning letter
• 6th tardy- Parent and student will be required to meet with an administrator and/or other school personnel to discuss the situation and other consequences that may occur if the student continues to be tardy.

Perfect Attendance – Students who have 100% attendance and zero tardies (arriving late and leaving early) during a school year will be recognized with a Perfect Attendance certificate at the end of the year.
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