
Chelsea Higgins – Advisor
(513) 420-4760 ext. 2303
The Hatchet - Madison's Junior High yearbook - and The Tomahawk - Madison's High School yearbook are made by the elite Madison Yearbook Staff and advised by Chelsea Higgins, who is an art teacher, as well.
Estimated delivery date: Yearbooks are in! Come get yours now.
Ordering: Look for an order form in your mailbox, sent to you by our publishing company Jostens! Order forms are also available in the art room.
Seniors: Senior pictures are due to the yearbook advisor by the last Friday of 1st Semester. Juniors should plan ahead! If no senior photo is turned in for the portrait section, then the student's ID photo will be used. Portraits are to be in modest, dressy clothes, head and shoulders only, no hands or props. A fun, candid photo that expresses the student's personality or interests may be submitted for the senior collage page.
*For more information about senior and Parent Pride Ads, where parents can purchase space in the yearbook to put a sentimental note, baby photos, or other photos to show their pride and love for their seniors, look at the documents below: