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MLSD is on a Two-Hour Delay on Wednesday, January 22nd

Continuity of Services


Madison Local Schools

Mr. Jeff Staggs, Superintendent

Safe Return to In-person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

Effective 2021-2022 School Year


*Please note:  The language and intentions outlined in this document are fluid and subject to change based on federal and state guidelines, as well as community input.


The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides federal resources to support states and local school districts. Recent federal guidance clarifies that districts submit to the state of Ohio a plan that fulfills the requirement that districts publish local “Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans” by June 24, 2021.  Each district school should then post the plan on its local website and then submit the plan to the Ohio Department of Education by June 24.  This overall plan is being built upon existing district plans that address many of the elements of the federal requirements. 


Madison has organized this plan to include the current and prior health and safety plans developed in collaboration with local departments of health.   Since the district already has existing remote learning plans, continuous improvement plans, Covid Safety Plans, and other similar plans that encompass aspects of these requirements they are listed below and comprise the requirements to address Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.  Those previously developed plans together with the below aspects meet the relevant requirements of the federal assurances.


Madison Protocol Handbook (August 2021)

Madison  Learning Loss & Recovery Plan (March 2021)


For the 2021-2022 school year, Madison Local Schools will be 100% in-person, five days a week (unless otherwise directed by a state health mandate). Madison Schools will continue to work with the Butler County Health Department, as well as adhere to guidance provided by the Ohio Department of Health and CDC.  

Policies For Incorporating Mitigation Strategies: 

● Face masks will not be required at this time for students, grades Preschool - 12th, (or staff) during regular instruction and activities on school grounds. We will continue to consider the guidance provided by the county and state and follow any executive orders. The administration will notify parents of any changes to this policy. Individual students and staff may still choose to wear face masks and will not be discouraged from doing so. 

● Students will not have physical distancing requirements unless federal guidance changes. 

● Signage will be posted throughout regarding frequent proper handwashing, as well as respiratory etiquette. Classrooms without sinks will establish hand sanitizing areas. Sanitizer will be provided at entrances and required use by all visitors. 

● Classrooms and all surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected in the evening prior to each new school day. Bathrooms will be cleaned and sanitized at routine schedules multiple times throughout each day. Sanitizer provided throughout the building. We will post and continue to communicate expectations for cleanliness to all staff. 

● We will continue to work with the Butler County Health Department to adhere to proper contact tracing and isolation and quarantine protocols.

Ensuring Continuity of Services: 

● Academic Needs: We will use benchmark assessments and other measures (teacher/vendor/state-approved) to determine which students are in need of additional support/interventions. 

  • The following will be utilized :
    • NWEA MAP scores,
    • DIBELS,
    • Fall State Assessments,
    • Previous of End of Course (EOC) State Assessment scores,
    • ACT scores,
    • Teacher recommendations based on locally-created assessments,
    • Student attendance during the 20-21 school year,
    • Student grades during the 20-21 school year,
    • Individual student IEP Progress Reports,
    • Individual student WEP or WAP goals


● Student and Staff Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Needs: School Counselors work in each of our buildings and are an integral part of a student’s educational environment. School counselors can support transitions and are available to students in need of immediate assistance with behavioral or social-emotional concerns.  Regardless of the learning model (remote, hybrid, fully face-to-face), counselors can help students with the following:

  • Short term counseling
  • Referrals for long-term counseling
  • Academic achievement strategies and academic planning
  • Managing emotions and using interpersonal skills
  • Planning for college and other post-secondary options.
  • **Parents are directed that if a child is experiencing anxiety related to the return to school or you have any other concerns about the child’s social-emotional development to contact the school counselor. 

Plan Review and Public Participation/Feedback:

The district will periodically review all key aspects of this plan every six months, at minimum, for the duration of the ARP ESSER grant period (through September 30, 2023), and revise its plan as deemed necessary.  Plan review will include but is not limited to collaborative work by the district administrative team, parent/community feedback (through surveys and in-person participation), and building and teacher leadership teams.

Continuity of Services Document

Continuity of Services Document (2)

Continuity of Services Document (3)


**above are pictures of the actual document created by Madison Local School District. All of the information is posted above with the same formatting for an easier way to read.  

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