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MLSD is on a Two-Hour Delay on Wednesday, January 22nd

Math Resources

Resources Provided by Andrew Wheatley, Technology Integration Specialist

Educore is one of my favorite common core resources.  Their videos explaining the common core shift are some of the best, but even better are their pre made math and literacy lessons.  These lessons are some of the best common core aligned math lessons. 
The TenMarks curriculum is rigorous and engaging and is built on our research-based instructional philosophy - practice, instruction, assessment, and intervention - and helps students build conceptual understanding as well as develop computational and procedural fluency, resulting in strong math foundations.
SAS Curriculum Pathway
SAS has some of the most polished and put together lessons and activities that I have seen on a FREE site.  They have interactive math tools, simulations, and incredible inquiry based lessons infused with loads of literacy skills.  Material currently is only for grades 6-12; math, ELA, science, social studies, and Spanish
Use these amazing videos to get students thinking, connecting to their own lives, and developing their own questions about topics related or indirectly related to your content.  You can guarantee these videos will engage students and get them talking about academic content. Check out the Math in Real Life section.
Manga High
Manga High is a math games website.  They tend to be better than most, and do a good job of being educationally focused along with entertaining. 


Geogebra is free alternative to Geometer Sketchpad, and a large following of teachers insist its better. 


Math Models
Math Models is a website that has free math model lessons.  These models are problem based, common core focused lessons for students.  A good resource to use or for examples to develop your own.


Illustrative Mathematics
This website illustrates the range and types of mathematical work that students experience in a faithful implementation of the Common Core State Standards, and by publishing other tools that support implementation of the standards. Great examples.


Inside Mathematics       
A professional resource for educators passionate about improving students' mathematics learning and performance. This site features classroom examples of innovative teaching methods and insights into student learning, tools for mathematics instruction that teachers can use immediately, and video tours of the ideas and materials on the site.  This is a great site!


Mathematics Assessment Research Project
MARS is the Mathematics Assessment Research Project.  This link takes you to their “challenge” lessons, which are problem, “math modeling” based lessons that encourage critical thinking and self-assessment practices.

Math Forum

Another resource for math modeling lessons, and problem based learning


A virtual K-12 library, transforms teaching and learning by connecting educational resources with the power of information technology.  This is one of the best places for students to start when researching.


CK-12 provides access to high-quality, customizable educational content in multiple modalities suited to multiple student learning styles and levels.  Basically free high quality lessons for anyone, anywhere.  Great site.

Khan Academy

In case you haven’t seen Sal Khan on TV every other night here is the scoop.  It’s the website that started it all.  Learn anything (school related) anytime, anywhere.  CK12, learnzillion, braingenie, mentormob, etc. were all started with Khanacademy as their influence.


Learn Zillion
Similar to Khan Academy, but with less content.  Good news is that what they do have is more suited to teacher use in the classroom.  Their premade slide show (powerpoint) lessons are great and allow teachers to customize.  Common Core aligned.
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